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Posts by Daniel Manila

Firebase Workshop

2022-03-28Daniel Manila

Firebase is a backend replacement produced by Google which helps developers write fully featured web apps without having to handle things like databases and authentication directly. This workshop deals with the basics of using firebase

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Debugging Tips

2021-02-17Daniel Manila

Debugging is a fairly essential part of programming, and this post aims to give you a few general tools and strategies to help you debug effectively.

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Integrating Clem with Cursive

2020-01-17Daniel Manila

Clem is a program intended to make development with Clojure easier by helping explain Clojure’s sometimes cryptic error messages. It integrates with your REPL an uses an online database to attempt to find more human-friendly messages to explain your errors.

This post will go through the steps required to integrate Clem with Cursive.

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Installing Cursive IDE for Clojure

2019-09-27Daniel Manila

Cursive is an IDE built on top of IntelliJ that supports syntax highlighting, code completion, repl integration and other features for Clojure and ClojureScript. Unlike many other Clojure IDEs, it is comparatively simple to install and has ordinary GUI.

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A Clojure Tutorial

2019-09-26Daniel Manila

Did you know that there is a programming language that’s not only consistently enjoyable to use, but also amazingly productive—and which was the highest paying language according to the 2018 Stack Overflow developer survey? In this talk, Professor of the Practice and App Lab director Jeff Terrell introduces the programming language Clojure.

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