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Posts tagged css

How to Use Grid Layout

2020-09-04Lasya Pullakhandam

The CSS grid is a two-dimensional layout system that allows us to stack and line up content in columns and rows. One-dimensional Flexbox elements can be used for smaller components in the grid layout. And since it is built into CSS, the native properties allow for better performance.

This post will go through the basics of CSS grid, how to set up a simple grid layout, and how we used it to clean up our own website.

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Implementing a graphic design in HTML and CSS

2018-09-28Jeff Terrell

A common scenario professional web developers encounter is getting a graphic design and needing to implement it as a web page in HTML and CSS. I encountered this scenario with the Clem project, and I captured about 2 hours of video capturing my (unrehearsed) attempt to solve it.

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